The Spiral of Co-Creation is based on a whole systems design (inspired by Barbara Marx Hubbard)
that identifies a central hub and twelve spheres of community engagement. As you look below you will see the Twelve Spheres of Co-Creation. The names you see below are our 2014 EVOLVING Tampa Bay Honoree's, listed in the Sphere they are most aligned.
We are honoring local individuals, groups or organizations that have been cultivating a collective shift of consciousness in the Tampa Bay Region. They are collaborative, high-integrity servant leaders in diverse fields in the Spiral of Co-Creation. They inspire and achieve new innovations and have proven successful in creating a measurable impact in their sphere. They are instrumental and focused on “How love and consciousness are transforming the Tampa Bay region.”
Sharon Joy Kleitsch ~ Connection Partners, Inc
Sharon Joy has She embodies the essence of love, trust and integrity in her work and all her relations. You will find her focused on strategically, cultivating a flourishing, thriving Tampa Bay, as she continues to magnificently connect the many sectors in the community as one living system, through all her endeavors. been applying new science to her life and the community of Tampa Bay, while exploring, learning and practicing shared leadership for over a decade. She is a voice for the community, addressing what works and what doesn't, while bringing into visibility the resources, ideas and people to support conscious transformation both locally and globally.
Bill Bilideau ~ Gaia’s Guardians
As a veteran native plant landscaper and now a permaculture designer Bill is one of the original members and continuing very active member of the Sustainable Urban Agriculture Coalition of St Petersburg. This Coalition is a diverse group of individuals who want to see both the city and the environment become healthier through growing more local food. Bill heads the Education committee, Community Gardens committee, and as an advisor for new community gardens. Bill’s community involvement is truly inspiring – he has gone above and beyond to bring permaculture to his community.
Don Hall ~ Transitions Sarasota
Don Hall is the founder and Executive Director of Transition Sarasota. Previously, he served as the Education and Outreach Coordinator for Transition Colorado, the first official Transition Initiative in North America and a statewide hub. Don holds a Master's in Environmental Leadership from Naropa University and is a certified Permaculture Designer.
WMNF is a non-‐commercial, community radio station operating in the city of Tampa in the U.S. state of Florida that broadcasts at the FM frequency of 88.5 MHz and streaming live. WMNF has over 200 volunteers. Rob Lorei is one of the founders for WMNF public radio station, Public Affairs Director and Managing Editor FLORIDA THIS WEEK at WEDU TV and News.
Winnie Foster ~ Community Development Groups
Winnie Foster Is CEO of the Sojourner Truth Center and a community activist who has lived in St. Petersburg for more than 40 years. She has served on countless boards and committees and been a champion for civil rights and the environment, among other issues.
Eve Prang Plews ~ Full Spectrum Health
Eve Prang Plews is an accomplished Nutrition Counselor, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist. Her driving passion is to “educate, empower and heal individuals who desire to create optimal health in body, mind and spirit through teaching, therapy and tools in a caring, supportive environment”. She is well known for her expertise in the integration of medicalscience, healthand nutrition. She has spent years of clinical experience counseling clients, speaking nationally to health care and medical practitioners, conducting grant funded nutrient studies, and continues to stay on the forefront of functional medicine education. www.fullspectrumhealth.com
Tampa Bay Time Bank ~ Marie Nelson
Marie Nelson is the founder of the Tampa Bay Time Bank, which is a community skills exchange. Time banking is a way to exchange services as a compliment to the cash economy. In Tampa Bay Time Bank individuals and organizations trade skills gained from work, education, life experience, hobbies, and volunteering, while making friends, while focused on building community.
Rebecca is the founder and chair for the Bridge, a non-‐profit organization dedicated to promoting ecological social and personal well-‐being in Tampa. She helps to organize events that raise awareness, build community and catalyze action to bring forth a sustainable region. She is a psychotherapist with a strong interest in eco-‐ psychology and the “inner transition”.
Charles C. Robinson, MA, LMHC ~ Clinical Director of eEvolve
Charles Robinson is a teacher, a guide, a life energy master, and creator of Kai Chi Do. Charles Robinson developed Kai Chi Do as a form of meditation in action. Kai Chi Do uses breath, music, and movements derived from the ancient wisdom of the martial arts. He is also the Clinical Director of Alternative Treatment International where he helps people recover their connection to Source, self and others.
Constance D'Angelis ~ Co‐Founder for The Institute for Peaceful Solutions
Constance is an Attorney, Mediator and Arbitrator. She has spent many years contemplating human nature and the question: What is human consciousness and how does it affect behavior? Constance set a path, the "soul's path," to allow herself to fully experience her transcendent nature, and to help others do the same. Her book The Seven Laws of Peaceful Solutions, was born out of her "soul" wisdom and is a shining example of good coming from a negative situation.
Ed Turanchik ~ Former Hillsborough County Commissioner
Ed is the director of Pinellas County’s strategic planning, infrastructure and economic development. He has led efforts to end the region's water wars, and to get downtown what's now the Tampa Bay Times Forum, built affordable homes in the city's hardscrabble urban core and is connected to a proposal for high-‐speed ferry service across the waters between MacDill Air Force Base and south Hillsborough County. Ed is now in private practice at Akerman LLP, in their Public Policy Group.Ed shared in a recent article:"I love our community and I want it to be better and different than it is for the future of our kids," he says.
Visiting Lecturer, Environmental Science, Policy & Geography,
USFSP College of Arts and Sciences.
Leon is interested in highly interdisciplinary problems of physics, mathematics, cognitive science and computational biology. In cognitive science, I am interested in the cognitive/emotional processes of He has been bringing sustainability programs to USFSP and has decision-making and attention in humans. been working with a Random Event Generator to measure how human consciousness might interact directly with sensitive physical systems , for over 18 months in the Tampa Bay community.
Dr. Barbara Shirley ~ Principal of Alta Vista Elementary School, Sarasota
As 2014 Principal of the Year, Barbara has created an environment that establishes a partnership with parents and community members, engaging her students to build synergy and a shared purpose. Barbara has demonstrated the way we can link with our families and community to make a difference in the lives of our students in a very special way.
Reverend Temple Hayes ~ First Unity of St. Petersburg
Temple Hayes is a Spiritual Leader, author, and international motivational speaker. Rev. Hayes is an ordained Unity Minister and currently CEO of First Unity Campus, a New Thought center. Temple is currently serving on the leadership team of the Association of Global New Thought, an organization born out of a deep conviction and pure passion to foster global initiatives for peace, justice and healing.
727-‐527-‐2222 X106
Bob Devin Jones Is Artistic Director and Co-‐Founder of Studio 620 in St Petersburg. The Studio@620 is successful because of the efforts of volunteers, board members, each and every audience member, artists, 620 members, sponsors, and so many more. The Studio@620 has provided St. Petersburg a place (and an idea) where engaging, and thought provoking art and education can come together with community members that span a broad cultural background.